CALCIOKIND™ for Calcium Assimilation and resistances

Helps absorption, utilization and maintenance of calcium
- Ensure proper metabolism of calcium
- Relieves pain in bones and muscle weakness
- Influences development of bone structure and strengthens teeth
- Strengthens immune/defence system.
M.R.P. Rs. 100.00
Each tablet of 100mg contains :
- Calcarea carbonica Hahnemanni 3x 20mg
- Calcarea fluorica 3x 20mg
- Calcarea phosphorica 3x 20mg
- Sulphur iodatum 4x20mg
- Excipient Q.S.
Proven indications
of the individual ingredients in the sphere of claimed action:

Calcarea carbonica Hahnemanni
Therapeutic action / characteristics:
- It suits children who apparently look healthy, well-nourished but are sluggish both mentally and physically.

Calcarea fluorica
Therapeutic action / characteristics:
- Poor assimilation of calcium often leads to delays in dentition and this drug along with Calcarea phosphorica covers the problem efficiently.

Calcarea phosphorica
Therapeutic action / characteristics:
- Especially suited for anaemic children, peevish, having cold extremities and feeble digestion.

Sulphur iodatum
Therapeutic action / characteristics:
- It covers pain on coughing, swallowing, swelling of gums, flux, sneezing, itching, skin eruptions in irritable, indifferent subjects very commonly met where the child suffers from weak defences
Dosage: Unless otherwise prescribed by the physician, it can be given 2 tablets 3 times a day.
Side effects: No side effects of Calciokind™ are known.
Contra-indications: No contra-indications for the use of Calciokind™ are known.
Interactions: No interactions between Calciokind™ and other products are known.
Presentation: Bottle of 10g of tablets
Please find some useful answers to your questions as follows:
What is Calciokind™ used for?
Calciokind™ is used for Calcium Assimilation and resistances problems.
What are typical symptoms of less calcium assimilation in children?
- Low resistence towards pathogenic germs.
- Tendency of the child to suffer from otitis or bronchitis.
- Frequent colds, sore throat and upper respiratory complaints
What is the recommended dosage of Calciokind™?
Unless otherwise prescribed by the physician, it can be given 2 tablets 3 times a day.
What are possible side-effects of Calciokind™?
No side effects of Calciokind™ are known.
What are the contraindications of Calciokind™
No contra-indications for the use of Calciokind™ are known.
Where can you get Calciokind™
As Calciokind™ is classified as a medicinal product, it is available from homoeopathic pharmacies. It is also made available from our website