Kindigest™ for Digestive Problems

For prompt and effective relief from digestive problems in children
- Effectively relieves burning pain in the stomach with nausea and vomiting
- Controls flatulence, dyspepsia and sour eructations
- Useful in diarrhoea and associated colic pain
- Restores appetite and vital power.
M.R.P. Rs. 100.00
- Arsenicum album 6x 20mg
- Croton tiglium 6x 20mg
- Okoubaka 4x 40mg
- Veratrum album 3x 10mg
- Belladonna 6x 10mg
Applied to globules 10mg
Active Ingredients

Arsenicum album
Therapeutic action / characteristics:
- Remedy for periodic burning pain in the stomach
- Nausea and vomiting

Croton tiglium
Therapeutic action / characteristics:
- Affects the mucous membrane of intestinal tract
- Diarrhoea after drinking, while eating or nursing, during summer.

Therapeutic action / characteristics:
- Remedy for distension and fullness of stomach with rumbling, often accompanied by colic and/or diarrhoea.

Veratrum album
Therapeutic action / characteristics:
- Violent vomiting and profuse diarrhoea with rapid sinking

Therapeutic action / characteristics:
- Abdomen distended, spasmodic or colic pain worsened by pressure
Dosage: Unless otherwise prescribed by the physician, it can be given in acute cases 2-5 globules every half hour. Once the symptoms are reduced: 3 globules 3 times a day until the symptoms disappear (to be given 15 minutes before food intake). If complaints are not relieved, consult a specialist.
Side effects: No side effects of Kindigest™ are known.
Contra-indications: No contra-indications for the use of Kindigest™ are known.
Presentation: Bottle of 10g of globules.
How seriously should you take your child’s tummy ache?
Tummy ache often occurs when there are changes going on in your child’s life – such as new foods, new routines, or even a growth spurt. You won’t normally worry as it is a very common childhood symptom. But if it happens regularly or there are other symptoms like nausea or tummy upsets, you will want to do your best to help. One approach is to use Kindigest™ to ease symptoms and bring back the smiles.
Changes in diet, circumstances & the environment can trigger tummy troubles
Children of all ages can – from time to time – suffer from tummy problems with no specific cause such as an infection or disease. Instead, problems might be linked to the body’s natural development, or to events in the home or daily life. Starting nursery school or meeting new people can trigger symptoms.
Sometimes, it may be dietary changes that are responsible, such as weaning onto solids, or experiencing new foods. Symptoms in infants may include nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and stomach pain. For toddlers, symptoms might be more vague: ‘my tummy hurts’ or ‘I feel sick’.
Common symptoms of FGIDs1 Upper GI tract (i.e. oesophagus, stomach, duodenum)
- Nausea
- Burping, retching, regurgitation
- Rumination
- Vomiting
- Heartburn
- Food refusal
Lower GI tract (i.e. most of small intestine, large intestine)
- Non-specific abdominal pain
- Stool consistency problems
- Faecal soiling / incontinence
1 Functional gastrointestinal disorders
Functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGIDs): Possible Treatments
Behavioural interventions:
- Education and explanation of pain experience as well as reassurance after confident diagnosis of the FGID by the physician
- Acquisition of stress management techniques (i.e. reducing pain-induced tension and increasing a relaxed state via progressive relaxation, autogenic training etc.)
- Cognitive behavioural therapy (i.e. developing strategies to improve dealing with symptoms)
- Offering distractions to the child, especially for the management of acute pain
Dietary interventions
- Low lactose / fructose diet in presence of documented intolerance
- Fiber supplementation and osmotic laxative if constipation symptoms are prevalent
Pharmaceutical interventions
- Symptomatic drugs such as antispasmodics, antidiarrhoeal or laxative agents
- Low-dose antidepressants or SSRIs (CAVE: effectiveness well documented in adults with FGID, in children not recommended in general due to possible side-effects)
- Probiotics
Naturopathic interventions
- Phytotherapy
- Chiropractic treatments
- Homeopathic medicines such as e.g. Kindigest™
Please find some useful answers to your questions as follows:
What is Kindigest™ used for?
Kindigest™ is indicated for the treatment of gastrointestinal functional disorders in children of early age resulting in nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and abdominal pain. These complaints might be caused by changes in nutrition such as:
- Introduction of solid food (e.g. vegetables, fruits, meat)
- Start with delivered meals in nurseries and school
- Consumption of unfamiliar food while travelling
What are typical symptoms of gastrointestinal functional disorders?
- Nausea
- Burping, retching, regurgitation
- Rumination
- Vomiting
- Heartburn
- Food refusal
- Non-specific abdominal pain
- Stool consistency problems
- Faecal soiling / incontinence
What symptoms could point for a more serious disorder?
- Pain that wakes the child from sleep
- Persistent pain located in the right upper or right lower quadrant
- Colicky pain, coming in waves, accompanied with cold sweat
- Excessive vomiting (yellow-greenish-coloured (bile!) and/or bloody)
- Persistent and especially nocturnal diarrhoea
- Streaks of blood in stool
- Involuntary and marked weight loss (> 10 %), no weight gain
- Deceleration of linear growth
- Unexplained fever
For how long can I administer Kindigest™ to my child?
Kindigest™ is a safe and gentle homeopathic medicine which can be administered as long as symptoms persist.
It is recommended to consult a physician, if your child is poorly responding to Kindigest™ within 3 days, if complaints recur frequently or if additional complaints arise.
What are possible side-effects of Kindigest™
Kindigest™ is a very well tolerated homeopathic medicine.
No side-effects are known or have been reported so far.
Where can you get Kindigest™?
As Kindigest™ is classified as a medicinal product, it is available from homoeopathic pharmacies. It is also made available from our website